Kiss Diabetes

Don't Let Type 2 Diabetes Control Your Life!

Nutritional Fitness offers science-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching to help you overcome Type 2 Diabetes and help you reclaim your life!

Slashed A1c by 25%

“I just got the results of my bloodwork. A1c is down from 8.9 to 6.7! On top of that I lost 16 lbs!”


Weight Down 30 lbs

“Officially 30 lbs down! A1c Controlled, was in the 9s! And feel so much more energy!”

Kim S., Texas

“Now I totally get how my bod works... I'm in control!”

Kim S., Texas

The only science-based program designed to overcome diabetes

Most doctors and programs focus on helping you manage your Type 2 diabetes. While this is certainly important, what if at the same time you were able to undo what caused your diabetes in the first place? Our program is designed to reboot your body’s ability to return your blood sugars to normal, allowing you to completely overcome your diabetes.

Personalized Plan and Continuous Support

Unlike your doctor who you may see 3 or 4 times a year, our Personal Health Guides (PHG) are there for you when you need them. It all starts with your personalized health plan. We will help you put it together based on your personal situation. From there we will be there to guide and support you every step of the way as you undo your type 2 diabetes.

Hi! I am Ann. My journey began with a heavy heart and a daunting diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes. I had always been an energetic, vibrant woman, but as the years went by, my health had slowly deteriorated. I found myself constantly fatigued, with my blood sugar levels spiraling out of control. My daily life was dominated by a never-ending cycle of medication, insulin injections, and routine check-ups with my doctors. The condition took a toll on my physical and emotional well-being. I felt trapped by my illness, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

One day, while browsing the internet for potential solutions to my ailment, I stumbled upon a video about Nutritional Fitness. The video featured a passionate speaker who shared success stories of individuals who had successfully reversed their Type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes, particularly diet and exercise. Intrigued, I decided to delve deeper into this newfound hope. I began researching the principles of Nutritional Fitness and its emphasis on consuming whole, unprocessed foods while engaging in regular physical activity. This approach seemed radically different from my previous treatment, which primarily focused on medication.

Eager for a change, I decided to give it a try. I embarked on my journey toward a healthier lifestyle, not as a temporary fix but as a long-term commitment. I started incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into my diet while saying goodbye to processed foods, sugary snacks, and excess carbohydrates. Alongside my dietary changes, I incorporated a daily exercise routine into my life. I began with short walks and gradually increased the intensity of my workouts. I also practiced stress-reduction techniques, such as meditation and yoga.

The results were astonishing. As the weeks went by, I noticed my energy levels improving, and my weight began to drop. The best part was my blood sugar levels were gradually returning to normal. The routine check-ups with my doctors showed promising progress, and they began reducing my medication and insulin doses. My journey was not without its challenges, but my determination kept me on course. I found a support network of individuals who were on the same path, exchanging stories, recipes, and words of encouragement. This sense of community provided me with the strength to persevere.

Months turned into a year, and my diabetes was in remission. I no longer needed medication or insulin injections. The health I once thought was forever lost had returned. I was living proof that Type 2 diabetes could be reversed through proper nutrition, exercise, and a determined spirit. My story became an inspiration to those around me, both online and in my local community. I began sharing my journey on social media, hoping to spread the message that a diabetes diagnosis does not have to be a life sentence. With the right guidance and support, a brighter, healthier future is possible.

My suffering had transformed into a testament of resilience and hope. My journey with Nutritional Fitness had not only changed my life but had the potential to change the lives of countless others, proving that it's never too late to rewrite the story of one's health.

It’s the Little Things
that Matter

Big changes come from little steps and our PHGs are there with you every step of the way. We will teach you to make small choices every day that lead you to the success you want. We focus on 5 key areas including:

Food and Nutrition: What are the right things to put in your body and what to keep out

Body Intuition: Learning to listen to your body, understanding how your body works and what it is saying to you about being healthy

Metabolic Phase Cycling: Leverage the natural cycles your body to achieve faster results using our proprietary method

Emotional Psychology: Overcome motional connections to food and eating

Language of Diabetes: How to talk with yourself, your friends and your doctor on your journey to overcoming diabetes

Conditions We Support

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Prediabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Diabetic Nephropathy
  • Lack of Energy
  • Diabetes Related Foot Problems
  • Diabetes Related Neuropathy
  • Diabetes Related Gum Disease
  • Diabetes Related Sexual Problems
  • High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol
  • Brain Fog

Join Nutritional Fitness

Besides Your Diabetes, What Do You Have to Lose?

We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If you find the program is not right for you, we will refund you right away, no questions asked.